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Danny van de Laarschot, Projectleader of Helmond North, Municipality of Helmond, 2022.
Amelia was the responsible Urbanist of development of two former school locations on Ruusbroeclaan and Knippenberg in Helmond. Amelia has designed an urban plan for the location Knippenberg. She is decisive, and makes fast and sharp the analyses, and at the same time she is also result-orientated. The mutual sparring and elaboration of variants was very valuable. The communication and the working together with Amelia was very pleasant.
Bob van Dijck, Projectleader of Zuilense Vecht, Municipality of Utrecht, 2022.
I have come to know Amelia at the project Zuilense Vecht, an integral project that containers renewed sportfacilities, a park and housing. Zuilense Vecht is a co-creation between municipality of Stichtse Vecht and the municipality of Utrecht. Amelia is a true Urbanist, with an Eye for detail without losing sight of the bigger picture. Zuilense Vecht is a complex project and Amelia makes an important contribution with enthousiasm and expertise as an urban planner. Not only to her field of expertise but to the project as a whole. Amelia is pro-active and a pleasant colleague to work with, which of course is very important at such a project.
Wilma Greter, (former) Teamleader of Southeast flank, Spatial Planning and Sustainability department, Municipality of Amsterdam, 2021.
Amelia Lukmanto worked for the Spatial Planning and Sustainability department in my Southeast Flank team for two years. Within this team she successively worked on various projects, including Amstelkwartier second phase and Amstel Business Park South, also known as Overamstel work city. I have come to know and appreciate Amelia as a very committed and skilled urban planner. From a spatial planning point of view, she was the driving force behind these projects and thus the person who monitored the spatial quality. In addition, as a designer she also worked on another area outside the Southeast flank team, namely Centrum Nieuw-West. The Werkstad Overamstel project is a more complicated project because this project falls under the municipality of Ouder-Amstel. The municipality of Amsterdam owns a lot of land in this area. In previous years, the continuity and thus progress have been under pressure in this project from Spatial Planning and Sustainability. This pressure has been removed with the arrival of Amelia and her way of operating. She has achieved good results that have not been achieved before: a very good performance. Amelia is strong in collaboration, both with the local municipal partners and with external parties. She is focused on achieving results and does so in an efficient manner, with a good eye for and taking into account the relational aspects. She pays attention to the planning and knows when to involve others in possible conflicts. In the discussions and work discussions that took place within the Zuidoostflank team about all projects from Amstelstation to Amstel III and where themes such as sustainability, ecology and green structure, Environmental Vision were discussed, I got to know Amelia as an active and enthusiastic participant. She is a very pleasant and very social colleague too.